Breakfast at Arrowhead Lake
I showed homes at Arrowhead Lake yesterday and saw that they had an all-you-can-eat breakfast at the Clubhouse for $5.00 per person. By the looks of the parking lot they were doing a pretty brisk business. I think some of the cars were parked there for the sledding hill out back, but there were many smiling faces going in and out of the building. What a nice way to get the residents and guests out to meet each other!
Anyone out there know how they organize this event? Do they have it catered or do they have volunteer cooks? How was the food? Please click on the 'comment' button immediately below this post and tell us all what you know!
Hi Lisa.
These events that we have at Arrowhead are all done by volunteers.
I have had a vacation home here for 36 years.
We have a full staff of personnel for everything that we have in our private community. That is, we the property owners own the community. We have employees for office, security, recreation, maintenance, etc.
But we also have many people who give of their free time for the different events that we have all year long. I can tell you that for the buck we get the best bang of any community in the Poconos. For what we pay in dues each year and what we have, no other community can match us.
Being on the board of directors when we bought the development from the bank over 20 years ago we have a community that I love to live in. I was in Real Estate for 20 years also I was a cop and have seen many communities and I am very glad that I live in Arrowhead.
Take care.
Bob Mc Cann
Posted by: Bob Mc Cann | 01/22/2008 at 07:45 AM